Some field pics from 2020. I haven’t seen much snow in my life, so had to make a few little snow people along the way.

I’ve had the opportunity to do fieldwork in some amazing ecosystems in the southeastern United States and see some really cool places during conferences. Here is just a brief view of some of the stuff I’ve been able to see.
Liatris oligocephala
This cool little plant grows only on the exposed rock of the Bibb Co., AL ketona-dolomite glades.
Liatris laevigata
I found this one in a recently burned scrub in Ocala National forest. Liatris laevigata is a FL peninsular endemic.
Liatris elegans var. elegans
This species of Liatris has beautiful petaloid phyllaries that give it an elegant, frilly appearance. This is one of the most common of the four varieties, and one of two to occur in much of the southeastern US.
Liatris cylindracea
This plant was growing in a prairie community growing on limestone bluffs in Whitewater State Park (Minnesota).
Liatris pauciflora
This species occurs in fire-adapted pine ecosystems. It has fairly distinct long capitulae, which are secund (in-line on one side of the stem).
Liatris ohlingerae
Liatris ohlingerae is an endangered endemic of unique sand of the Lake Wales Ridge (LWR).
International botanical congress, 2017

International Botanical Congress of 2017 in Shenzhen, China! This was my first international conference, and the first time I ever even left the US! It was an incredible experience!
Botany, 2018

Botany 2018 field trip. Got to see a few species of Liatris and some pretty scenery!
EA-ENA disjunct species
Just some of the EA-ENA disjuncts I’ve had the chance to meet out in nature.
bibb co., AL
Pics from a trip to the ketona-dolomite glades of Bibb County, Alabama. It’s been described as a “botanical lost world” and is full of rare and endemic plants!
florida panhandle

A day trip to the FL panhandle to see some cool Liatris!